If I haven't mentioned it, menopause is my life's nemesis. After 4 years of battling the nasty effects of going through the change, I relinquished my I-can-get-through-it-myself attitude and began a low-dose hormone just over a week ago. The first few days were amazing! Let's just say that the surge of hormones gave me teenager vibes. Wink wink. 

But then...  

Oh. My. Gosh! I was a mess - weeping, feeling out of sorts, body changes like those that happened when I got pregnant. Let's just say that one of the possible side effects is that the twin peaks might have a growth spurt 😊. (Tee hee hee).

The good news is that the volcanic eruption hot flashes that were taking place 20 to 40 times a day have diminished to 6 to 8.  Let me tell you that having a hot flash while dancing my life away had an all new meaning previously. But, I was Zumba-ing away yesterday and didn't have one hot flash! Thank you, Jesus!

In the interim, I've been dealing with the multiple tree trimmers who were stopping by to give tree removal quotes. I expect people to be polite and kind, so when a few of these guys showed up acting all rude and condescending, um, that menopause rage might have snuck out if I wasn't such a nice person. 

I am looking to hire you, remember? 

By the way, getting a tree removed is like the cost of spending a week on a cruise ship minus all the fattening foods, fun tours and sightseeing, and great events. Honey, where is our saw?   

Speaking of menopause rage, I went to the movies the other night where I watched Air, which is about how Nike signed Michael Jordan as their spokesperson. I liked it. What would have made me really like it is if I hadn't sat by the most disruptive and disrespectful 20-somethings that I have ever sat next to in the movie theater. There may have been some hanky-panky going on there, I can't be certain, but trust me I came close to asking them to shut it down during the movie. Sadly, I did become a grumpy old woman after the show. I approached them in the hallway and told them exactly what I thought of their shenanigans, which is very unlike me. I really don't like conflict, but I was ready to put-up-your-dukes argue with them with sparks flying. Ugh, is that menopause rage or the hormone drugs, IDK? And just imagine... me fighting someone? 

Oh wait, that actually has happened....  

When I was in elementary school, there was a bully on our street, and sometimes when we would ride our bikes around the block, he would try to wreck us. So this one beautiful summer day, a group of us were riding around the block and Eddy was up to his usual no good. He came flying out of the alley and nearly wiped out several of us. I put down my bicycle, walked up to Eddy as he was prancing with pride at his success, and promptly punched him in the nose. Wham!

I didn't wait around, oh no! My daddy didn't raise no dummy. I jumped on my bike and took off!

That's not the end of the story, but let's just say the bully didn't like being punched by a girl, and he never bullied us again. 

And just like to the bully, I am standing up to menopause. 

You, menopause, are not going to get the best of me!


Your fellow HOT sister


  1. Loved your blog. Keep letting us k ow when you do another.


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