I ran through the grocery store after Zumba class today. Well, maybe I didn't run. Rather, I sprinted - I sprinted through the store. Uh... no, I didn't. Speed walk?... again, no. Rush?... oh, ok, ok, I sauntered. I leisurely walked in a slow and relaxed manner. Are you happy now? Geesh.

But I was good today. Yippee! I didn't buy any sweets or cheese or chips. I bought vegetables and more vegetables - I do love fresh vegetables - and eggs, of which I picked up three cartons. They weren't the kind I usually buy, though. Oddly, that brand has been out of stock for several weeks. I could understand if they had a rash of egg eating predators darken their chicken house doors, but I doubt a big operation would have that problem, even if they are a pasture-raised organic egg business. 

If you ask me how I know about such things, I might share some of my farm stories. I could tell you tales about skunks and snakes and hawks, goats and cows and llamas and chickens, monarch butterflies and dragonflies and asian beetles, and ticks and thorns and coyotes. After nearly 12 years on the farm, so many fun, scary, interesting, odd, and miraculous things happened. I have stories.

Anyway, back at the store. When I checked out, I was told there is a limit of 2 dozen eggs per person. The last time I checked, we are a week away from Easter, and this is normally the time when there is an overflowing abundance of eggs to satisfy all the egg coloring and Easter egg recipes. What will the Easter Bunny do? Poor fella. He must be having anxiety attacks about now. 

Seriously, I am beginning to wish we had chickens again. Bok bok.

Then I noticed her. There was a woman about my age fanning herself. Yes, it is the warmest day that it has been all year, but this was not that. She was having a hot flash! I so badly wanted to reach out to her to let her know that she is not alone. We need to be there for each other. We need to encourage each other. There are so many of us HOT sweaty women out there, and we need to stick together - well, not literally, cause that would be gross. 

Tonight, if you want to shoot me a comment, I'll be kicking back with a good movie and my bottle of apple cider vinegar. My sass is a little off today, so I've got to fill 'er back up. 


Your fellow HOT sister


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