
Showing posts from March, 2023
I've been thinking a lot about aging lately. Aging gracefully, and secretly wanting to continue looking like I am in my 30s, was always the plan. But menopause.  Menopause, you nasty wicked thing! It's truly not fair, you know. Women go through the weight gain, body changes, raging hormones, and sleep deprivation during and after childbirth, so is it fair that we also have to experience similar later in life? The meno belly, hot flashes, sleep interruptions, hot flashes, mood swings, and hot flashes (did I mention hot flashes?) are the antithesis of those childbearing years, and yet here we are. It's every guy's dream for his woman to wake him up as she throws off the covers and flings off her nightgown, but what he didn't bargain for was . . . . sweat. Maybe that is his payback for, I don't know, Adam being stupid enough to eat the apple in the Garden of Eden that got him and Eve thrown out and a childbearing curse put on Eve and all women  on earth  for all et